About Us:

"If you cannot do geat things, do simple things in a great way" - Napoleon Hill.

We are seeking to establish a Buganda, ClansBased, Platform for identification, brainstorming, creation, testing and dissemination of trade and investment opportunities; thereby grooming and nurturing intra and inter clan avenues for cooperation on matters of commerce and enterprise.

We believe that the clan system still occupies a unique position in African communities and leaders can play a critical role in overseeing mobilization and stewarding of resources for member development and investment.

Together we can inspire one another by sharing actionable, affordable and repeatable ideas – all in pursuit of job creation through collective effort and financial literacy; restoring a 'yes we can' attitude to a generation that so needs it.

It’s such a grapevine of productivity and growth that our clan system do 'let get away’ when that organ of society, in 'error of omission,' abscond from taping into all manner of talent, skills and expertise at their disposal, to build business ventures and go for the money.

Before we tell you that indeed our message goes out to the rest of Uganda's Building Blocks; Buganda alone is 50-Clan strong so, imagine such a number of well capitalized, professionally managed, business-ready corporations racing to list on Uganda Securities Exchange - such is our idea of 'upholding the glory of Buganda!'

It is said; "if you do not plan for yourself, chances are that you will end up in other persons' plans; and what is in their plans for you - not much!" One gets sick and tired of whole villages lacking a proper school or hospital thanks to decades of "we implore govt. to help us" routinely renewed each election season. So another can't help not wondering – what does it take?

If a group can pull resources and create a fund from which members can borrow at interest; why not whole villages or districts pulling resources to build a private school/s or health facility; so they look forward to return on the money – while solving a common need. Aren't such the opportunities we keep donating to foreign investors?

So, what we say to Clans of Buganda, the same we say to the rest of Uganda's Building Blocks – "failure to plan is itself a plan!"

Colonialism is still lurking in the shadows and salivating over a disunited Africa – you won't say we didn't warn you.

You will be hearing more from us on this and related matters; just you subscribe to our mail list - for why would you miss a thing?!

The other act that brings you close to nobility is buying from us apparels and accessories which, it goes without saying, were designed especially with you, yes you, him and her, in mind.

Together, we stand indebted to make Uganda - the Pearl, again!

Landfolks LLC (Startup Buganda)

447 Broadway, 2nd Floor #257
New York, NY 10013 USA.
Tel.: +1(980)447-6240

Liaison - Uganda

Maria's Galleria Arcade, Level5/ Rm01 Dastur Street – Kampala, Uganda
Tel.: +256-776-061228/ 708-136690

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