Clan Capital Funds

Your Clan's SACCO (Investment Club) is just your participation away from elevation to a fully fledged Capital Fund with capacity to access the best of investment advisory and managerial expertise for timely execution of mega projects in a broad spectrum of business and investment sectors including but not limited to agriculture (e.g coffee, vanilla, tobacco), education, live stock, fishing, transport, real estate, banking, insurance, retirement benefits etc.

So irrespective of student or graduate, man or woman, in formal or informal employment, at home or diaspora; do not surrender all your 'investment eggs' to the fate of the same sector or instrument, time-frame, management philosophy, economic region etc.

When you consider the invitation to invest, were it a little, each with your respective Clan Fund; at the minimum it gives your saving and/ or wealth portfolio a touch of diversification yet, going forward; on account of smart investments, sound advisory, managerial diligence, prudence, integrity, economies of scale, blessing of the ancients etc; the Clan Fund could beat performance of your investments elsewhere and thereby qualify for more of your attention.

Your investment will be in solid hands; for example I do not know a clan that will not be spoiled for choice at choosing the best among equals given a star-studded lineup of managerial expertise among each a clan's own members; even before they were to look elsewhere. Not to mention - all processes will be under the watchful and unblinking eye of your Clan Leaders.

What a goal! Brace for a shift of terrain as Inter-Clan Competition switches from the football pitch to pitching business ideas before global Venture Capitalists.

In a "Grand Annual Conference and Expo" the winner would be that clan that beats others at getting it's investors smiling to the bank; other categories may include number of jobs created, amount of funds raised, number of members registered, clan heritage projects sponsored, community, environment and social responsibility scores, etc.

It's high time the clan reinvent and evolve into a development force to partake of opportunities in, say; stewarding members' social security (retirement benefits) and community education, housing, insurance etc; otherwise – shhh "word from some corridors of thought whisper of the clan as conspicuously missing in members' struggles from food security, housing, education, health, through employment, recreation, to finance and investment."

All organisms survive by adapting to new environments and since today's hero is a job creator, foreign income earner, food producer, education services entrepreneur, health services innovator, habitat provider etc then; given it's elaborately structured leadership (untapped, enviable resource mobilization potential); should the clan's footprints in "hero tracks" (above cited), continue to elude martian inspectors; I don't know about you but I lose sleep concerning the future of what a mobilization gem that was handed down to us from our ancestors!

Once in a press interview after a prize fight Floyd Mayweather Jr. was asked if he would donate money to Africa. His response—"what has Africa done for me?" How you process that is up to you but; I tremble at the thought should your kids, at home or diaspora, wake from a dream one morning and ask—daddy/ mammy, what has the clan done for us?!

Okay—would you want to be contacted by YOUR CLAN if they put together a solid and well structured investment offering? We are talking investment here - a hand, not handouts!

You will be amazed how affordable, flexible, convenient, scalable and transparent the saving and/ or investment scheme can be.

In a survey/ poll to gauge support for Clan Capital Fund/s (your current circumstances notwithstanding), submit your particulars using the form below.

We intend to deliver truckloads of your contacts both as petition to each your respective clan leadership as well as a testimony of your availability and loyalty to them.

Meanwhile #StartupBuganda will also have occasion to keep you abreast with developments on this and related matters.

Failure to participate is also a vote (thank you)! Your inaction pours cold ice on efforts to enlist the oasis of integrity in your elaborately structured and closely knit clan leadership; towards efforts to improve social security, youth skilling, job creation, financial inclusion, investment literacy, etc.

Has poverty pushed you lately by way of dwindling jobs and/ or customer base? Unity of resources is how we push back - now read that again (take all the time)! You have no idea how many in Ugandan cities, towns and villages that your participation in joining hands with others would get off the 'jobless wagon.' Please consider!

Locally and elsewhere colossal funds are looking for committed, focused, purpose driven groups and; by the vote of submitting your contact to participate in this poll/ survey; the world is this close to discovering that and more in the #DreamTeam of YOUR CLAN Investment Committee!

"To go fast walk alone, but to go far ...;" it's for such a time as this that the wisdom of our ancestors decided to organize under a clan system.

The next time you see a business name tumbling down remember; often than not in going fast such, most likely, went alone!

What you build alone cannot outlive your sole efforts; which efforts are sure to wane ahead of your productivity peak. This spells such a short lifespan for our enterprises, not to mention the dire limit of talent, innovation and resources in solo ventures.

Since the clan system is NOT a unique, patented and exclusive reserve of Buganda; indeed it will be our joy and honor to have the rest of Uganda's Building Blocks emulate this strategy and for that we promise unreserved morale and support.

Together, we are indebted to make Uganda—the Pearl, again!
